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Дата публикации: 29.03.2024

How to Form Reported Questions in English


When reporting questions in English, it is important to remember the correct structure and tense changes. Here is a guide on how to complete reported questions:

  1. "What level did you get with this token?" Lee asked me [what level I got] with that token.
  2. "Will you play Uno again tomorrow?" Mom asked me if I would play Uno again [the next day].
  3. "When are you going on holiday?" Freddie asked me [when I was going] on holiday.
  4. "Do you still want to learn English?" Anna asked [if I still wanted] to learn English.

In reported questions, the word order changes to subject + verb, and the tense may also change depending on the context. By following these guidelines, you can accurately report questions in English conversation.