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Дата публикации: 31.10.2021

Gemini Woman and Virgo Man Love Compatibility


Gemini and Virgo is a relationship which is highly dependant on compromise, however you are both gifted in this area. The low scores represent the initial compatibility of this match. However, if you can both adapt to the others style this is a relationship which will improve steadily over time, and eventually rival any other match. These scores show the averages for data collected from my clients over the past 20 years.

It’s important to note however that individual relationships vary enormously.

Sexually, this can be a playful and quite sensual match, with the Virgo man’s inner sensuality meeting up with the Gemini woman’s imaginative approach to her.

I meet a man Virgo for about two years.. In these respects, then ups, then downs. There are a lot of things on which we cannot come to a joint decision. Horoscopes also speak of an unfortunate union. Nevertheless, love unites us. And we will do everything so that our relationship is strong. I have been dating Virgo for about 4 years, we have a daughter.

He is very strong and strong-willed, not afraid to take responsibility. It requires that there is always order at home. Despite the fact that sometimes he is cruel, I still love him. We had ups and downs, crisis periods, when there was no work and money, but we always managed to get out of the situation. In some respects he is aggressive, but I know that he loves me and my daughter, and this is very important for the twin woman. I have been married to Virgo for 9 years.