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Дата публикации: 28.11.2021

Dating 101: Film takes aim at America’s hookup culture and the death of courtship


Judge Sewall was a conscientious father, and like many Puritan fathers believed that he had a right and duty to take an active role in his daughter’s selection of a spouse. In August, after a whirlwind six month courtship, the couple married, but the marriage was cut tragically short l5 months later when young Mary died in childbirth. A hundred twenty-nine years later, in , another couple began their courtship. They considered romance and passion childish and unreliable motives for marriage and instead sought a love that was more tender and rational.

Wedding ceremony of African American couple in military dress here are various published sources relating to courtship and dating .

The pathways to stable intimate unions are best understood as developmental trajectories in which a series of steps, or stages, lead to a marriage or other intimate relationship. There are typical, or customary patterns of mate-selection found in all societies, ranging from arranged marriages by parents to virtually unfettered individual free choice by the couple themselves. At the same time, these cultural patterns change, often quickly, in response to larger social conditions.

To put the current situation in perspective, I offer an abbreviated history of American courtship and dating customs. Largely as a result of their ethnic composition, mate-selection of the early American settlers closely resembled the European customs of courtship. Parents were heavily involved in courtship because the consequences of marriage had implications for them in the form of offspring, property, or social alliances.

At least until the middle 19 th century, couples met and associated mainly in public, at church, dances, picnics, or other communal gatherings. As things progressed, young men would call on young women at their homes where parents would supervise.