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Дата публикации: 25.11.2021

Age gap: Things to know about dating someone older


First dates can be awkward , nerve-wracking, exciting, disastrous, wonderful — any number of things. A big part of this distinction is the first impression you each give and how well you and the other person connect. We all know by now that topics like religion, politics, and the like are best to avoid if you want a first encounter to stay positive and light-hearted. It might be obvious, but the easiest way to connect with someone is to get them talking about themselves.

Ask about their hobbies, their interests… do they enjoy activities like sports, painting, spending time outside, reading, or dancing? Maybe you will find something that you both enjoy doing and, if the date goes well, could potentially be an idea for another date later on down the road.

Did you know that there are important things to know about someone before you start dating them that will set you up for relationship success?

You can have endless conversations about work, family, and friends, sure, but sometimes it would be nice to mix things up. We love our partners, and we want to know everything about them yes, everything. We want to know their hopes, their dreams, and what they had for breakfast. It will spark an interesting chat between you and your person and teach you a little bit more about them.

Who cares? You want to know what embarrasses them, what they love on an ice cream sundae , and what issues they care about. So sit down, pull out this list, and prepare to find out more about this person in a silly, enlightening, intelligent, and slightly ridiculous conversation. Perfect for a special date — or just a rainy day!

If you could host a dinner party with four people, living or dead, who would you invite?